Sunday 5 August 2012

I dig deep…. Trying to feel the emotion others have experienced. Visually re-creating mine or someone else’s deepest love, incredible connection or utter freedom is my challenge and my inspiration!

I believe that by surrounding yourself with powerful positive visuals you can change and improve your personal emotional journey!

I believe strongly in Law of Attraction. One of my very favorite talks I ever remember listening to by Abraham-Hicks goes something like this:

….If you get up every morning and start your day with a cup of your favourite tea, wash yourself with your favourite smelling soap, wrap yourself up in your favourite towel, wear your favourite outfit with your favourite perfume, eat your favourite food, listen to your favourite music, talk to your favourite people, go to your favourite coffee shop, …. Well…. You’re in for a pretty good day!!

So if by creating personal happiness through surrounding myself and my thoughts with my favourite things and my creation becomes one of your favourite things?... the cycle continues! 
What a fabulous thing!

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